Ecclesia Bank Limited is structured to be an institutional or a corporate banking entity - with a focus on church and charity organizations.
Corporate banking (also called institutional banking) is a subset of business banking that involves a range of banking services that are offered only to corporates. The services include the provision of credit, cash management facilities, etc.
1. Credit
Loans and related credit products are offered to corporate customers. The interest rates imposed on the loans are significantly high due to the amount of risk prevalent in lending to corporate customers.
2. Treasury Services
Treasury services are used by companies to manage their working capital requirements. Such services are extremely important for multinational companies as they facilitate currency conversion.
3. Fixed Asset Requirement Financing
Fixed asset requirement financing services are important for corporates involved in capital-intensive industries such as transportation, information technology, and heavy machinery manufacturing. Corporate banks facilitate customized loans and lease agreements for the purchase of equipment, machinery, etc.
4. Commercial Services
Banks also provide services such as portfolio analysis, leverage analysis, debt and equity restructuring, analysis of real assets, etc. Other services that are of importance to corporate clients include asset management services and underwriters for initial public offering (IPOs), etc.
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