'Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.'
(Isaiah 30:21)
Michael Moyo International (MMI) aims to create a resource base through investments, in order to finance its charity and social welfare causes, and also to support the church and other kingdom-based initiatives to advance the kingdom of God. In this regard, the company has extensive strategies to realize this broad vision, which is anchored on Isaiah 58:12.
The company as a whole is created to fulfil divine purposes of the Living God, in preparation for the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, all its strategies are based on the divine leading of the Holy Spirit, and as per the written Word of God. In summary, MMI incorporates divine guidance in all its operations.
The company's three divisions, namely: Investments Division, Charity & Social Welfare Division and Church Support & Development Division are all functioning on divine strategies as articulated in MMI's Divine Strategy Framework, to fulfil specific divine assignments. As a company, our ultimate mandate is to make manifest the works of God to humanity, and to show forth the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that more souls can be won to Him - especially in this latter times - when the world is growing darker.
MMI as a parent company has the following subsidiaries under it, which are all crucial to its broad vision and mission, and which are all managed from its respective three divisions:
These are the 5 cornerstones that form the Michael Moyo International, and they function as follows:
MMI Investments Limited - The MMI's investments subsidiary is responsible for consolidating all the investment ventures of MMI in real estate and the capital market, with MMI's Investments Division playing the oversight role of all its operations.
Prime Design & Construction Limited - The architecture and construction outfit is responsible for the design and development of all MMI's real estate projects, and also provides services to outside clients. It is being managed from MMI's Investments Division, under the Real Estate Section.
Ecclesia Bank Limited - The bank forms the central financial management system of the entire MMI, and is also an investment entity in itself through trading in global bonds and treasury bills. It brings MMI's Charity & Social Welfare Fund and the Church Support & Development Fund into a common pool to enhance charity and church funding on a global scale. This bank is mainly meant to finance God's work in this end-time dispensation, in preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
International Church Organization (ICO) - Church support is one of the pillars of MMI's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts as per its CSR Charter. The International Church Organization is a trust, with MMI as the key trustee, that brings together various church groups from the Pentecostal and/or Evangelical circles, aimed at harmonizing the work of God globally, and also to enhance funding activities to the Body of Christ through the Kingdom Finance Bank. It is managed from the MMI's Church Support & Development Division.
MMI Global Charity Network (GCN) - Charity and social welfare is the other pillar of MMI's Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. The Global Charity Network is a trust with MMI as the key trustee, that brings together various charity entities from across the globe to broaden MMI's charity efforts globally and also to facilitate funding of charities through the Kingdom Finance Bank. It is managed from the MMI's Charity & Social Welfare Division.
"Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established."
(Proverbs 16:3)
Investment Strategy
“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go."
(Isaiah 48:17)
The company's Investments Division functions through a comprehensive Kingdom Business Plan, that integrates the company's business operations into divine parameters to ensure the company not only bears financial profits but also fruit to the kingdom of God.
The investments subsidiary of the company, namely Crescent Investments Ltd, consolidates MMI's investment functions in real estate and the capital market.
Charity Strategy
“For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.”
(Psalm 12:5)
The company's Charity & Social Welfare Division works in collaboration with other charity entities and churches to exude the love of Christ Jesus to the poor. Under this division is the Global Charity Network (GCN), which is an umbrella body for various charity organizations from around the world aimed at increasing the reach of MMI's charity endeavors, and also to distribute charity funding from a common source.
Church Support Strategy
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
(Matthew 16:18)
The company's Church Support & Development Division works with a network of churches and church leaders. On a global scale, it functions through the International Church Organization; a body comprised of various church groups from the Pentecostal and/or Evangelical circles, aimed at harmonizing the work of God globally, and also to enhance funding measures to the Body of Christ.
© 2025 Michael Moyo International, LLC.