Shepherds Welfare Program

"Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching."

(1 Timothy 5:17)

The program aims to carter for the well-being of genuine gospel ministers (especially pastors) in their pressing needs to increase their fruitfulness; lest they be “stricken and the sheep be scattered,” as Zachariah 13:7 says. The Church Support & Development Division deems it expedient to uphold true shepherds for the sake of the flock.

Servants of God supported under this program are carefully and prayerfully selected to ensure we do not offer assistance to deceitful workers and false preachers, who have currently flooded the Pentecostal Movement for personal gain. 

The ideal servants of God that are worthy of support are those preaching holiness, repentance from sin, and keeping the flock focused on eternity with God, and are keen to minister the Word of God as it is. 

Financial Support:
The program offers financial support to genuine servants of God in their pressing needs to enhance their effectiveness in ministry. This also includes provision of ministry materials.

Spiritual Support:
The program offers spiritual support, especially to pastors, by availing resources that may advance their spiritual growth and communion with God.

Emotional Support:
The program offers emotional support to servants of God due to the tremendous responsibility upon them. Many suffer depression silently and have to deal a lot with church conflict.